If you think there is something wrong with the Post then please tell us below and we will review it. Please include what artist and WHY you think it needs to be reported.
The Devote is personal, to ensure that you will be able to receive an invited and attend the
resulting concert, we need to make sure it's really your name on the ticket and that you will be
old enough to enter the venue. Please update your account with your fullname and Birthday in the
General-Settings. Please reload the
artist page after updating your account.
For further information please read more here
You can NOT devote twice to same Devote Campaign. Please check you
Devotes & Tickets menu. You can only
devote yourself once to a Devote Campaign. If you want to update you location for that devote
then please do so before the end_date is reached.
For further information please read more here
Feelloud is at the moment in its Beta version (v.0.5). Here you can give feedback to help us improve or if you found a bug or problem in this pre-release version. All messages are reviewed and we will contact you if we need further information. Thanks for the feedback and we hope you like Feelloud.
(max 150 characters)